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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Diving has never been considered to be a very dangerous pastime, but nevertheless this way of recreation demands special attention to the diver’s health. That’s why in all the civilized countries it is recommended (in some of them it is even required by law) to insure life and health of the beginners as well as experienced divers, not depending on their skill level and the number of dives.

Diving is always risky. You can experience caisson illness or some other trouble and saving a diver’s life in a decompression chamber is an expensive and difficult procedure, and that’s the reason why every diver needs insurance.

If you want to swim under water – make an insurance

Any good diving school recommends their students to make an insurance policy. But it will only become a necessity only when you decide to set off on a trip to enjoy the underwater world of the one of the best places in the world. Diving in Eilat is available to everybody who abides a few conditions and this is why you should better not postpone purchasing you insurance. You can buy a policy in your country but then you will have to pay attention to one required point which states that the insurance is issued for diving, not just for underwater swimming,

If there is no such notion as “diving” in the insurance – it will not be acceptable and a person will have to ask for a different kind of insurance paper. If you have missed something and you insurance is invalid, our diving club “AHLA” in Eilat will help you. We will make you an insurance policy quick and cheap, that will give you permission to dive in any part of the world.

What professional divers recommend

It is important to follow a few obligatory rules for your health not to be harmed at the time of your underwater adventures and your diver’s insurance to stay a mere formality:

  • dive conservatively and only in our qualification boundaries;
  • use modern diving equipment and check it before every dive;
  • keep to “no decompression” diving regime;
  • try to emerge as slowly as possible even when the diving depth is not that deep;
  • drink at least 3 liters of liquids every day during the period of scuba diving practice;
  • Stop for 3 minutes every 5 meters, don’t forget the so-called “Safety Stop”

Dive Insurance for tourists

DiveAssure international insurance with one of the highest warranty limits in the
world, which covers, among other things: sport diving, free diving, technical
diving, closed system diving, cave diving and more. Upon completion of the
purchase, you will receive an immediate insurance confirmation by email and a
digital insurance certificate through the DiveAssure app.
To purchase:
 One year insurance – Click Here
 One day to two weeks insurance – Click Here
 Diving course Insurance – Click Here

Diver’s insurance is obligatory in Israel and at many other world sea resorts.