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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Dive site in Eilat "University"

The dive-site got his name from the University of Eilat that is situated not far from here – it is a department of research of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that studies the underwater environment of the Red sea. Here you can find the most diversified constructions and systems with the help of which specialists can explore the sea bottom and the inhabitants of this fascinating natural water reservoir. Divers that already visited this dive-site always advise their friends and soul-mates to definitely check out this interesting and amazing piece of nature.

The students of the university as well as its professors and scientists are constantly engaged in exploratory activity and carry on experiments on growing new coral species. This place is often called “Sea Institute” because the depth here is suitable for beginners, as well as experienced and certified divers (from 8 to 20 meters). The diversity of flora and fauna that you will be able to see here, you will not have a chance to see anywhere else. Here you can find eels that do not hide from the curious eyes of divers, barracudas and even octopuses. Huge flatfish are peacefully resting on the bottom like huge boulders that mysteriously got on the sea bottom.

How to find the dive-site?

You will not have to waste your time looking for an unusual and popular dive-site, because our diving center will organize you whole trip to the diving spot. Just preorder this service in our club and our specialists will take you to the very dive-site.


On the Migdalor beach, where you can arrive on your own or accompanied by an instructor, you will notice a short fence. The entrance in the water is well-marked with buoys due to coral lavishness. This is made for the tourists not to break the corals by accident. Enter the water and swim for 25 before you go down, and then dive for the necessary depth of 12-25 meters. After that you will have to turn right (to the north) and swim until you notice metal constructions under water. They are decorated with marvelous corals. After you have enjoyed the constructions turn in the direction of ascension and swim up to the depth of 5-8 meters. In this place you should turn backwards and swim back the way you swam here (to the south). Enjoy the incredible coral sites and swim back. Do not forget to make a three-minute safety stop. 

On your way you will see the most fantastic constructions that are used for growing soft and hard corals. There are thousands of inhabitants in each one of them.

There will be a moment when the hill is bare, then you should turn backwards because there will be nothing than important and interesting for you to keep on swimming. Leave the sea only in the special place: a path that is marked with buoys.