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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Dive site in Eilat "Satil Wreck"

dive site in eilat - satil wreck
The story of one of the most interesting objects for excursion of the dive-sties map of Eilat cannot leave uninterested even the most sophisticated and exacting divers. It all began one night on the New Year’s Eve of 1969 when five Israeli rocket carriers were stolen from the docks of Cherbourg harbor (France) as a result of a military operation. The ships were taken to service for Israeli army. Later the ships were given a name “Cherbourg Ships” and for the next 25 years took part in the making of the history of Israel. By the time when the ships were pensioned off and dismantled, rocket carrier Satil was decided to become an underwater museum in Eilat. Here lots of divers from all over the world get excitement and pleasure from scuba diving for this ship. Since the spring of 1994 till now numerous adventure seekers have been on this sunken Wreck  and were able to learn how the ship is made from the inside and also see two monuments installed there: to the solder who died in the military actions in Lebanon and to the instructor who gave his life at the time of a terrorist act in Nathanial.

The road to Satil

Satil is located at the distance of 70 meters off and parallel to the shore. The length of the ship is 40 meters, the keel lays 22-24 meters deep and the deck is 18-21 meters deep. The ship is covered with seaweed from the west and with corals from the east. The local people call this place “Paradise”.

A search for a sunken ship

It is necessary to find the entrance that is hidden between the marina and “Hosh Village” beach. If you go along the concrete path that leads to the water you will go in the direction of the ship (in the place where it is located you will see a flag on a buoy that is fastened to Satil itself).

Diving variations

Depending on your experience you can choose these ways:

  • having reached the buoy on the water surface, dive down for the ship using the leading keel (this method is better for experienced, fearless professionals, who know how to clear ears and keep buoyancy)
  • if you dive from the shore (don’t forget your boots) follow the orienting points

Right in front of you, on the depth of 8-11 meters, you will see a large rock with corals and a raft that is fastened to the bottom with ropes. Swim to the raft keeping a 15 meters’ depth and in 50 meters you will see a beautiful ship Satil in its majesty right in front of you.

Important details

Your wishes have to correspond to your diving level (remember the difference between keel and deck depth)

It is better to return to the shore with the 110 atmosphere air level in your cylinder.

Take a moment to have a look at the angels that you will meet on your way back. It is a real miracle for those who don’t leave their cameras not even for a second.