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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Every country has its set of rules for divers that you have to sternly follow. In Israel this code of laws is created in the way to protect divers from the possible trouble they may experience on water and stop them from uncontrollable diving in dangerous places. The area around Eilat is a protected by the government and all the diving places are strictly scheduled.  

The basic rules for divers in Eilat

The first thing you need to know is that there are hundreds of spectators on shore no matter where you are. Israeli people treat every corner of their small but cozy “home” so carefully and attentively that no one will tolerate breaking of the laws and rules of diving on their territory.

So remember:

  • diving with gloves on (even if they were soled together with your diving cosume) is forbidden;
  • you mustn’t take knives, scissors, guns and other things that may damage the underwater world;
  • you shouldn’t take “trophies” out from the water, no matter what they are – a piece of plankton or beautiful stones;
  • use scuba diving equipment for hunting purposes is trictly forbidden by law – you can be taken to court and get a fine;
  • In some dive-sites it is forbidden to touch corals, fish, raise sand from the bottom (at such sites as “Caves” and “Coral Resort” it is also forbidden to touch the bottom and sit on it)

Fines for breaking these rules are quite unpleasant, so you shouldn’t risk it. Tourists that break the laws and rules of diving in Eilat, can be detained at the Ministry of Environmental Protection until the fine is paid. In the most unpleasant cases a negligent diver will get a special sign in his passport that bans him from visiting Israel in the future.

Stating of understanding of safety rules of diving practice

Diver clubs often as their divers to fill in an application, that proves understanding of safety rules for divers. It reflects the basic information that every person who is about to try diving has to know and take into consideration. The standard application has the following points:

  • a diver needs to be physically prepared, he needs to constantly improve his skills. He cannot use any alcoholic drinks, drugs or strong medicine before diving;
  • make dives only in the allowed places (don’t forget about the level of accessibility for divers)
  • use only technically operational and complete equipment of your size, and check it before every use;
  • pay attention and follow the advice of professionals during briefings and go through training courses from time to time;
  • dive only with a partner;
  • learn to plan your dives correctly and use means of protection and underwater navigation, know how to breathe correctly and keep flotation.

The application has some more standard point, having looked through which, a diver will have to sign the document.