This is the second part of the article devoted to buddy check.
W – Weights
Put your attention whether your partner has a weight belt or not. If he uses an integrate-weights system check whether packages are inserted and fixed in the right pockets.
R – Releases
Get acquainted with the condition of all your partners’ buckles. It is necessary to check whether they are fastened and tightened. Remember to check the tank strap. Do not miss belayer belt of the tank valve.
A - Air
You have to know for sure that the tank valve is opened or not. Hold the pressure gauge in one hand and regulator in the other. Start forced oxygen supply by pressing the appropriate button. If the gauge arrow retains the position – everything is fine. But if it is moving it means that the valve is closed. And you know that you can’t dive with closed valve under any circumstances.
F – Final check
Conduct a final check of the diver and insure in good condition of his “dress”: that the hoses are not bent or crossed, whether the pressure gauge hose is under the left hand and the spare second stage hose is under the right hand. Are they fixed enough? The spare second stage could be removed without any problems. Let your partner examine the state of the pressure gauge. There is no problem to readout if it is in proper gear. Your partner should take his computer, fins, mask and other equipment that he needs during this dive. And finally “OK”. It means you are ready to go.
Under water look at your partner once again. If you see a leak of oxygen you have to stop the dive and solve the problem with a leak.
Mutual check let you know not only whether your partner is properly equipped but also let you see different types of equipment. It is very useful because in which case you already know what to do with your partners’ equipment.
It is very important for each of the divers to observe safety and prescribed short course of diving. Yours’ and your partners’ health depends on your vigilance.