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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Diving: how to make your favorite hobby safe for your back

diving in Eilat- best hobby

Diving is rather extreme sport and includes the need to carry heavy loads. You can cause serious damage to your health, including problems with back without special training. Ahla-diving experts advise to follow certain simple rules to minimize negative factors.

  • Do not carry tanks with one hand.

Attending diving courses many of newcomers try to show that they are no less hardy than experienced divers and try to carry tanks with one hand. You should not do this because the unbalanced load can injure the spine.

  • Do not be afraid to ask for help.

It will be safer for your back if your friend or buddy helps you to put on your equipment. He can hold your BCD with tank while you are putting on it.

  • You should transfer the load to the legs.

In order not to overload the spine when you lift heavy loads you should carry the main weight on legs. Absolutely contraindicate to bend the back incorrect, as well as to turn body with weights. All this can lead to injuries and sprains.

  • Configure the muscular system.

For those divers for whom diving is more than just a hobby it is necessary to keep themselves in good physical shape. It is important to train muscles of the upper and lower back as they support the spine and minimize the risk of injury.

  • Be reasonable.

It is gona be stupid to prove yourself or others your physical advantage by hasty decisions. So it is better to ask for help instead of jerk lift heavy tanks.