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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

In case of a technical problem act according to the instruction!

In case of a technical problem act according to the instruction!

Scuba Diving is one of the safest kinds of active rest if you follow the diving rules and make a timely maintenance of your diving equipment. However it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of a technical faulty that is why a diver has to know how to act in case of emergency under water.

Failure of second stage of regulator being under water

Respiratory system of a person operates only when the pressure of the air delivered to the lungs is equal to the external pressure on the body. The difference between these pressures cannot be more than 14%. Second stage of regulator provides this equality when the air is supplied. In case of its failure you need to come to the surface using an alternative air source. Usually it is an octopus of a partner’s scuba. It is an additional second stage with a long hose. In case of emergency both divers can breathe in turn using one scuba on their way to the surface.

A breakdown of a regulator may occur due to its blow on underwater rocks. In such situations a diver has to be ready to solve the problem.

A jammed inlet valve of a buoyancy compensator

To try and unblock the inlet valve BCD, you should unplug and plug back in the feeding hose. If all the attempts of restoring the functionality of the valve that provides the air supply from the regulator are unsuccessful then a compensator can be inflated through mouth. Former generations of buoyancy compensator were design for this kind of usage.

Detached connecting pipe of a feeding hose from an inlet compensator valve

In such case connection of the details has to be restored. Sometimes in such case the valve is jammed in an open state, which is indicated by the sound of air leaking in the water. That is why it is important to stop the air feeding from the cylinder with the help of a stop-valve. Then you need to try and restore the functionality of the valve, attach the connecting pipe and open the air feeding.

The difficulty of the operation is connected to the uncomfortable location of the stop-valve behind the diver’s back. Only some divers with long arms and good mobility of joints can reach it. Diving partner can help block the stop-valve. If it needs to be done singlehandedly then you should loosen the waist strap and move the cylinders closer to the head. Not to face such problems some divers prefer to install them behind the back stop-valve facing down.

Dislocation of cylinders

Most divers attach their cylinders to the compensator using plastic clinches. If you haven’t checked the safety of the attachment then it may be loose and a cylinder may slip out. To try and put it in the right place you will have to take off the compensator. It is much more convenient to use the help of a partner. Holding the cylinder with his knees he will be able to fasten it tightly in the clinch using hands.

Being under water, pay close attention to your partner and follow instructions.