When it comes to deepwater diving, people who are into diving always have distinctive reaction. Inexperienced divers immediately start asking a lot of questions being interested in details. Those who have already dived deep a few times liven up and start sharing their experience. Amateur divers, who can dive not deeper than the recommended 30-40 meters, also have their eyes lighten up but they act calm, feeling respect to the difficult process.
Qualification of diving beginners is called Open Water Diver and if you have one, than you can dive not deeper than 18 meters. This prohibition has a reasonable basis: these are exploration dives without decompression, gas flow and nitric narcosis. Even if you have dived for only a few times, but have already developed passion for deepwater scuba diving, than you will not get rid of it. Perhaps, you have a natural interest to explore the objects that are situated much deeper than 18 meters? This interest is quite justifiable.
Our dive-center "AHLA" is situated in Israel, in a city of Eilat by the Red Sea in the Gulf of Aqaba. Water temperature is very comfortable both for learning and for diving. The lowest temperature is +21 degrees C, the highest is +29 degrees C.
"AHLA" dive shop specializes in recreational diving training. We offer high quality courses, allowing you to improve the qualifications and increase the maximum recommended depths for diving. Diving in Eilat gives you an opportunity to explore new underwater objects, bypassing the restictions of the amateur level.
When we hear the words „Let’s go deeper“ everybody is thrilled with enthusiasm and anticipation of something new and unknown. Mystical depths, exciting adventures, breathtaking discoveries: all this is hidden behind the words diving, scuba diving training, diving courses, diving in Eilat, deepwater diving.
Qualified and experienced instructors carry out diving training with safety and comfort. You will get solid skills. We evaluate the level of qualification for our training staff with the system developed by PADI – professional association of diving instructors.
Training with the program of deepwater diving will reveal to you a whole new world of exploration of the underwater environment. The maximum recommended depth after the training is 30 meters and this means that many of the interesting spots will be available to you. Conditions in which you will dive after the course have to correspond to those you trained in or be better. These restrictions are the result of the necessity to follow security measures.
Sertificates issued by the diving courses of PADI sytem are accepted all over the world. You may not worry that the results of your training will not meet the requirements of some diving center. Certificates have electronic version, so don’t worry about a lost document as the information could be easily checked on the Internet.
Open the door into an exciting world of deepwater diving!