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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Notable events in diving history. (Part 1)

Notable events in diving history. (Part 1)

The history of diving evolution goes back for hundreds of years – and since then people have managed to explore the underwater world greatly. AHLA DIVE offers you a chance to get acquainted with the list of the most prominent events in the history of conquering the sea depths. This information will be of interest to professionals as well as beginners who plan to go through diving training courses.

  • 1530 – Introduction of an underwater vessel that can be filled with air.
  • 1650 – a German physicist Otto von Guericke develops a compression device that is later tested on animals by Robert Boyle.
  • 1690 – Edmond Halley an English scientist designs a sphere with a pipe attached to it and a cask with air. The construction could be plunged down for 18 meters and kept under water for an hour and a half.
  • 1715 – John Lethbridge introduces a special diving mechanism to the world. It is made in the form of an oak costume that allows a person to stay deep under water for about half an hour.
  • 1823 - Charles Anthony Deane invents a protective helmet for life guards that is later used in diving. Together with his brother they strike out how this device can be attached to diving equipment with the help of straps.
  • 1843 – the first school is opened in Great Britain where people interested can learn underwater swimming. The institution was different from modern dive-clubs – its graduates became professional dive-rescuers.
  • 1865 – two Frenchmen  Auguste Denayrouze and Benoît Rouquayrol invent an underwater breathing apparatus. It required compressed air, a valve for diver to breathe and a hose to connect it to the surface. This construction was improved and updated and is still used in diving centers.
  • 1876 – a sailor Henry Albert Fleuss designs an aqualung that uses compressed air.