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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Scuba Diving and healthy back – it’s real! \ 31 august

Scuba Diving and healthy back – it’s real!

Diving can be traumatic, especially if  you do not follow the rules. You need to lift and carry heavy equipment all the time because it is impossible to dive without it. It can be dangerous for your back. You must protect your spine – firstly you have no additional one and secondly many injuries are insidious and appear only after years when it is almost impossible to cure them. In your power to take care of your back today – follow simple set of security measures and you will avoid many problems.

Healthy back is real for diver.

We should mention that it is not gonna be easy, but if you make enough effort you will be able to enjoy diving and maintain a healthy back.  In order to reduce the risk of injury to a minimum you need to do the following:

  • enfold your equipment – the whole weight of equipment can be located on one side, which entails uneven load. Carry tanks and equipment holding them across the chest with both hands.
  • Ask your colleagues to help you. Diving is a collective sport and it is more comfortable and safe not only to dive together but also to wear equipment. It is better to wear BCD when you are sitting and on two hands at once. So when you get up you carry the load on legs.
  • Torsional loads are especially dangerous for the back.
  • You should not dcarry heavy equipment on outstretched hands.
  • Keep yourself in good shape.
  • If you have to lift weights in spurts because of the great heft it is better to ask your buddy to help you.
  • Climb on board fluently and holding the handrails.

And of course make a test dive under guidance of instructor in order to understand how to avoid mistakes.