“Ahla Dive Center” in Eilat welcomes everyone to finish scuba diving training course and get a certificate of international standard that allows you to practice scuba diving in any part of the world.
Easy or Difficult?
A lot of scuba diving amateurs in Russia and other countries of CIS don’t see diving as an art form. But as soon as they find themselves in a professional diving club everything falls into place. From now on they will get not only pleasure but also a great deal of positive emotions. Becoming a professional is real but it requires certain knowledge and skills, constant practice and self-development, energy and time. Only a persistent, devoted and truly confident person is able to follow through his training and receive the highest diving qualification. Modern diving equipment will protect diver’s health and save his life even if he gets into a difficult or dangerous situation under water.
What does the training start with?
People come to our diving club for different reasons. Some people wish to enjoy the beauty of the Red Sea underwater world others want to finish training courses and get an opportunity to dive in any part of the planet. Some of our clients need to master their skills and abilities, get a higher diving qualification or extend their present certificate. No matter what brings you to our diving center we will treat you with due respect and attention. Our specialists will help you choose the most suitable course for you. There is a huge number of international diving training systems and each and every one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Our specialists know every detail of the most popular systems that is why you can totally rely on their help.
What do I need to start training?
To start a course you will need:
You can use your own equipment if it meets all the safety norms and went through a proper check up. Or you can rent all the necessary equipment from our club.
Give us a call or leave your application on our web-site to sign in for the courses. Our manager will contact you in no time to get all the details for future co-operation.