Buddy check in 30 seconds [ Introduction]
Nowadays diving is no longer occupation for the chosen one and all those who are attracted to the sea element can do it. Unfortunately not each course includes all the details of safe diving. A lot of amateurs while diving just forget about important steps that must be completed before going underwater. But in vain – the most important things in any business are safety standards, especially when you deal with the depths.
This article discusses mutual equipment check [Buddy check] which can be done just in 30 seconds. So lets take first things first.
Primarily diver comes to the place where he plans to dive. After that usually everybody discuss upcoming underwater journey, then divide into pairs and wear scuba sets. Although everything seems to be ready, if not one “but”. It is necessary to check what could be the problem – typically diving courses include the information how to do that. You should read this article very carefully if your instructor did not tell you anything about “buddy check” and also conclude the level of professionalism of that person.
Diver must stand in front of his team-mate. In what order to check partners’ equipment? It’s easy to remember – just hammer into your head one sentence “Big White Rabbits Are Fluffy” as you might guess it is important to remember the order of the first letters – BWRAF.
You need to inflate BCD in order to check each valve that release air. Most often there are three valves – one is located near the inflator: it can be activated by pushing the button, the other two will be opened by pulling the rope.
There are also new trends that we can meet increasingly. It is about the upper emergency valve which is located at the opposite end of the inflator protective hose and also works on the principle of tension.
When the valve is opened it must release air. In case when it happens arbitrarily or it doesn’t happen at all you ought to remove equipment and examine the valves. Often the problem is an accumulated dirt or sea salt.
With other steps of the buddy check you can get acquainted in the second part of the article.