Modern medicine statistics states that many divers suffer from headache at the time of diving. During regular practices every diver experiences headaches from time to time. Moreover, some people regularly suffer from headaches as a result of being on the depth. From this article you will get simple advice on how to avoid headache at the time of diving training.
If such unpleasantness was a one-time case, there is no need to panic, however many deep diving enthusiasts complain of a systematic and quite strong headaches. Note, that the reasons for the pain may be the following:
As you can see the reasons for possible discomfort may be quite various, and they are often found in a person’s medical card or in his lifestyle. It is possible to determine the source of pain with certainty with the help of a few additional questions.
Headache among divers is often caused by high excitability or nerve tension and such people frequently experience these symptoms in everyday life. In such cases it is better to consult neurologist before continuing practicing diving. If you suffer from migraines, diving is strictly forbidden. Women may sometimes feel pain due to the changes in their menstrual cycle.
Badly chosen mouthpiece adjusted too tight can cause pain. Constant biting on this element provokes unpleasant feeling. Such diving equipment is better chosen individually and taken with you.
Frequent pains in the upper part of the back or neck, after-effects of the traumas always lead to discomfort. It is better to consult a podiatrist or go through a course of special exercises, massage or physiotherapy.
Many divers bent and stretch their neck for it not to be rubbed by a stop-valve. It becomes the reason of pain, that can be easily avoided – adjust the position of the cylinders so they do not touch your neck in its normal position.
A too little amount of air usage can often be the reason of pains – carbon dioxide is accumulated in the body and causes discomfort. Too deep and lengthy dives as well as a fast ascent may cause a decompression sickness. In this case a diver needs immediate help.
It is important to choose a specialized diving center in Eilat, where a beginner will be set straight, helped with choosing the equipment and taught all the peculiarities.