Diving Center "AHLA" welcomes people to learn technical diving to see the beauty that are hidden by nature below a thick mass of water of the Red sea.
The underwater world has been tempting people with its mysteries from the ancient times. But as the opportunity to plunge in its depths appeared, the interest and excitement has become uncontrollable. But for quite a long time only seas and oceans allowed people in their domains. Reaching deep depths has become available only with the discovery of specific equipment. Only professional divers did it. But now this fascinating adventure is available to everybody.
Diving Center "AHLA" welcomes people to learn technical diving to see the beauty that are hidden by nature below a thick mass of water of the Red sea.
Underwater tourism is evolving
It is unlikely that there is someone who has never heard anything about diving. But there are more complex kinds of diving, that require specific equipment and corresponding training. This is technical diving that attracts people with the chance of reaching the maximum depths in the open water, penetrating the caves and sunken ships, which is called over the head environment.
For that one has to go through thorough training, have a lot of experience. desire to get maximum skills and being ready to get into risk.
What is the first thing to know
Technodiving presupposes immersion to a depth of more than 40 meters, when in order to decrease the amount of nitrogen in the body it is required to use various gas mixtures. Some amateurs consider technical diving to be any sort of diving that is deeper than 40 meters. But this is not true, despite the fact that you once had a tour on such a depth. There are a number of differences of this and that type of diving.
If we want to discuss the notion "technical diving", it was first used by Dr. Bill Hamilton. He was a physiologist. More than 35 years he dedicated to the study of the problems of breathing nitrogen and oxygen mixtures at the time of decompression. He pointed out that it is possible to call technical any sort of diving with a switch from one breathing gas to another and warned that doing so one can feel the effect very close to narcotic. Every person will feel it and will react differently. Amateur diving allows one to surface immediately with a emergency need. In technical diving it is forbidden, as surfacing out of caves is characterized with tons of difficulties and dangers.
One of the main conditions is presence of a duplicate equipment and special tools that help get rid of the problems that may present themselves under water fast .
A torch, a reel, supply of decompression and bottom gases, depth finder and underwater computer - are obligatory tools. Each kind of technical diving requires specific equipment and sticking to the methodical instructions.
In the process of diving lesson, which regularly takes around a few hours you will learn everything about the determination of the contents of the breathing mixtures, will understand the peculiarities of planning the decompression stops, will learn to correctly handle the additional equipment. Whereas getting ready of a n amateur dive regularly takes a few minutes.
The main part!
If you are interested in technical diving, do not forget that it requires stamina and good physical form.
Also important are other personal qualities such as intellectual capabilities, responsibility and discipline. It is required to be ready for all the strictness and know that showing off is unacceptable. Even confidence if success is not appearing out of nowhere, it is building up with practice.
At the beginning of the training process of technical diving in the Red sea it is required to know the following. Lack of knowledge - is the reason of the most accidents. This mostly happens as a result of bad informing beforehand. Knowledge will help you master the skills and bring them to a corresponding level of reflex reaction and will give confidence in a stressful situation.
Diving training in "AHLA" center will radically change your behavior and reaction under water. We welcome you to an Israeli city called Eilat.
We have the best instructors that speak not only Hebrew. If you speak Russian or English there won't ne a problem.
Remember! Technodivers are known as the elite of the diving community! Join them! Welcome!