Diving is beautiful, interesting, fascinating and surely dangerous. It is necessary to remain calm under water, properly execute all the operations and not get lost. The last one is quite difficult because every sportsman can have trouble in finding the way back. In this case staying calm is quite difficult. And to prevent this, one needs to know the basics of underwater orientation. It is the knowledge without which diving training would not be complete. So, what rules do you need to follow?
Orientation should begin before going in the water. It is very useful to have special literature that describes the area. Maps are ideal for this. It is even more important if you do not dive together with your partner. One more option is diving off the rented boat. It is more convenient because in this case there is a supervisor that has valuable knowledge. It is important to listen to and remember everything that he says. Usually professionals tell about the depths and currents and help the sportsmen make a plan of actions. Definitely discuss all the key moments, mark the time or pressure to be the point of return. Thorough preparation to the process is half the success. Do not forget that before this stage is preceded by a process of checking the diving equipment for efficiency and wholeness.
One of the divers has to act as a guide – in such case discipline and consistency are the best assistants. It is necessary to split the responsibilities: the guide leads the way and the other diver minds the distance, time and depth. This strict cooperation will prevent you from missing something important.
If we are talking about diving off a boat, than it should be done right in the place where the boat is anchored. When the place is chosen is should be reached on the water surface missing the waves. These simple rules work for absolutely all places including diving in Eilat or any other place.
Experienced diving trainers advise the beginners to pay more attention to the natural orienting points. These are objects that are fixed to one place and can later show the way: corals of different kinds, sand spots and rock formations. The key is not remembering the existence of an orienting point, but precisely memorizing its features and peculiarities. The more information you get on the way the easier it will be to find the way back.
If you properly plan the time and follow the above mentioned rules, you will not face any trouble. The time span, during which the diver swims off the initial spot, is determined beforehand. As soon as the time is up, the diver needs to turn around and swim backwards. In case of a current, it can be used in the beginning of the way. However this fact should be minded during time estimation of the time on the way back. Besides, divers mustn’t forget the golden rule of “the third”. It implies that one third of the air is spent on the way from the initial point, one third is spent on the way back and one third is spent on exploring the area around the boat as well as on decompression stops.
If you follow these simple rules than diving in Israel will be without any problems or stress. You will be able to fully enjoy the given opportunity and get loads of positive emotions.