While doing such a popular kind of sport as diving many beginners face such problems as back traumas of different degrees of severity. It happens as a result of neglecting the safety measures and disregarding the advice of experienced divers. Consequences of such traumas and injuries can come out in later life. To help you prevent making these common mistakes due to which one can have a back injury, specialists of AHLA DIVE made an analysis and made a list of all the available recommendations and useful advice.
Handling the equipment
In the process of training as well as in the ongoing plunges, divers use different kinds of equipment. To prevent injuries you should follow the rules of handling the equipment:
Training program
According to the specialists of AHLA DIVE the best diving starts with a proper system of exercises on stretching and back strengthening. When you warm up and stretch your muscles you not only prevent injuries but also get rid of a chance of getting problems with your back in the future.