Fear to lose and not find the way back to the boat is the most common phobia of divers – beginners which makes it impossible to enjoy diving completely. In such situations people usually start to panic that only make worse. What can we do to avoid being in trouble? Experts in Ahla-diving company identify several key points which allow to navigate with confidence even in unfamiliar waters for those who first buys diving tours.
The first rule which will allow you to feel confident during dive is to know underwaters’ landscape basic features. You can do this with the help of map which you can find on dive site or by using drain and compass. It is important to choose notable landmarks such as coral reefs, caves, etc.
Very important rule for newcomers is to plan the root. It helps not only to be more confident in case if the diver falls behind the group but also allows to see the most interesting places. You can use a marked stone or even spare equipment as a guideline for the start point.
Another piece of advice that experienced divers often give is to exclude the rush. You need to stop and look around before you start moving or each time you change the direction. You can also mark your position on the map that shows the best dive sites. Such breaks help to focus and minimize the risk of getting lost.
In case if the diver is still lost the first thing he needs to do is to relax. Compass and marked points will help you to return quickly to the start point. In an extreme case you can float but don’t forget about safety rules.