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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Secrets of saving air – secrets for beginner diver!

Secrets of saving air – secrets for beginner diver!

Problem of air consumption is familiar to most divers. In the following material you will find tips of its effective saving – useful and practical. Important: this material is aimed at beginners.

15 main tips for proper breathing under water

Diving – is not a competition but still everyone wants to keep their face in front of other team members. The skill of saving air is of great importance, it is taught during diving training courses but the practical part has to be learned on one’s own. Don’t be nervous – Rome was not built in a day you will have time for practice.

In the course of the next dive try to use the following tips:

  1. Trained breathing. Try to make pauses between inhaling and exhaling longer, but it doesn’t have to be too intense.
  2. Breathe as deep as you can. Inhale as though you are doing yoga.
  3. Become a mime. Move under water slowly, smooth as if on a slow motion video.
  4. Помогать руками в ходе плавания не требуется, в противном случае, невесомости не достичь.
  5. Don’t use hand while swimming, otherwise you won’t reach weightlessness.
  6. Work on mastering neutral floatation. Absolute stability is your goal.
  7. Keep horizontal position. Moving sideways leads to unproductive air usage.
  8. Improve streamlining of your equipment.
  9. The best diving is impossible without efficient pressure regulator.
  10. Save the oxygen in the cylinder.
  11. Don’t overload yourself
  12. Don’t freeze yourself, or else you will use more oxygen.
  13. Keep good physical form.
  14. Always improve your level. Learning – is a key to success.
  15. Use your fins properly. Less movements – more benefit.
  16. Don’t compete. Process is more important than winning.

Good luck!