Try Scuba Dive/Discover Scuba Diving - is the name of the training programm, that will make every single beginner fall in love with diving. Even the fact that the training will take place in the most beautiful and picturesque places of Eilat costal line can already thrill most of the future participants. Those who are going to try their abilities for the first time are sure to be delirious with delight, to have a feeling of unity with the sea world, to experience the state of weightlessness and much more.
Discover Scuba Diving Program will help you open the diverse world of diving. In just one day every participant will be able to get a year certificate that proves training in a professional club.
Having finished this course, you will receive a diving certificate that allows you to take part in the next level course OPEN WATER (5 DAYS).
What is more, everyone who has an active PADI Discover Scuba Diving Course certificate can finish a 5 day training program in only 4 days which gives a substantial course payment discount.
Discover Scuba Diving Programme in Eilat
Tranning Schedule:
1) Registration part
2) Watching scuba diving movies
3) Theory lesson with the instructor
4) 1 Swimming pool dive
5) Open Water Dive at the Red Sea until 12 meters maximum depth
6) Certification part.
Professional diving training - start doing what you really like!
Discover Scuba Diving / Try scuba diving- is the name of the training program, that will make every single beginner fall in love with diving. Even the fact that the training will take place in the most beautiful and picturesque places of Eilat costal line can already thrill most of the future participants. Those who are going to try their abilities for the first time are sure to be delirious with delight, to have a feeling of unity with the sea world, to experience the state of weightlessness and much more.
The course will be even interesting for those who have already been trained in the past or learned to scuba-dive on their own. Experienced instructors will remind you of the basic rules of underwater behavior and teach you interesting and important particulars about choosing and using of the equipment and its characteristics.
Course schedule and requirements:
Pre-course instruction that is obligatory to all participants.
A briefing on the basic scuba equipment usage.
First dive under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
Participants have to be sure they do not have any health contradictions if they want diving to bring only pleasant emotions. Make sure that your physician allows you to visit the swimming-pool and that you feel well right now.
Anyone who is 12 years old and more can take part in the training program. Parents have to attend the training and sign a document allowing their children to participate in the program.
What if…
Our diving-center offers a trial dive to try out one's strength underwater if anybody is not completely sure of their abilities. It is a unique chance to decide whether further training will be useful or if it is better to stop right away and go on to something else like traveling in a kayak with a transparent bottom.
For those who decide to take part in our training program we wish to satisfy your deepest desires and have true pleasure of underwater swimming in the cleanest and richest Red sea.